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Fees Structure

Class/Course Fee Structure
Nursery to Standard 5th 2000-3000 (20 classes in a month)
Standard 6th 3000 (20 classes in a month)
Standard 7th 3000 (20 classes in a month)
Standard 8th 3500 (20 classes in a month)
Standard 9th 3600 (12 classes in a month)
Standard 10th 4000 (12 classes in a month)
Standard 11th 400 to 700 per class
Standard 12th 400 to 700 per class
IIT-JEE 400 to 700 per class
AIEEE 400 to 700 per class
PHYSICS 400 to 700 per class
CHEMISTRY 400 to 700 per class
MATHEMATICS 400 to 700 per class
BIOLOGY 400 to 700 per class
CPT 400 to 700 per class
COMPUTER SCIENCE 400 to 700 per class
TALLY 400 to 700 per class
C,C++,JAVA 400 to 700 per class
****crash courses for competitive examinations**** 400 to 700 per class
FRENCH 600 to 800 per hour
Guitar/Music Classes 700 to 1000 per hour